Lynne August
I like to find the underlying cause of things, to discover what’s going on behind the scene. Contemporary medicine treats symptoms and diagnoses, and, following suit, so does so-called holistic medicine.  The latter seems to repeat the former, this-for-that. Take this and that symptom could, hopefully, go away.

Symptoms, illness, for the most part are just the tip of the iceberg.  There’s tremendous matter and energy beneath the surface.  We’ve know for almost a century now that matter and energy, particles and waves, are interchangeable.  You can’t have one without the other.  When it come to symptoms, illness, both need to be addressed.

Health Equations' Inflammation Calculator discovers what's the matter with matter, such as nutrient deficiencies, or epigenetic effects, and uncovers clues as to remediate or compensate. Meditation, prayer, stillness and silence transform energy - beliefs, thoughts, emotions and behaviors, often that no longer serve you but nevertheless bind you.

All along it is my hope and prayer, that by strengthening your desire and fortitude, you can address the subtle, the ineffable, with willingness, confidence and grace.

I am walking these paths with you, even as life delivers curve balls, with gratitude for your presence.

Much love,
garden picture
Recognized as a pioneer, Lynne began her pursuit of nutritional, environmental and energy medicine upon graduation from medical school in 1973. Beginning in 1978 she integrated orthomolecular medicine, terrain analysis, whole food nutrition, Ayurveda and sensory integration in her holistic practice. The five years she spent under the tutelage of the late Dr. Emanuel Revici – the world-renowned researcher in the quantum forces of lipids – combined with Lynne’s decade as a biological farmer immersed in soil science, are the main inspirations for her innovative work, cultivating health according to nature.
"Dr. August's work is brilliant. From her work, I have experienced wonderful and often startling benefits for my own health, and she has greatly helped many patients I've referred to her—some of whom experienced breakthroughs in healing after decades of frustration and lack of progress from other treatment modalities. She offers the rare combination of great precision in her blood chemistry analysis and a compassionate presence that is a real gift to those who make use of her services. I can't recommend her work highly enough."
—David Mercier, L.Ac. 
Author: A Beautiful Medicine
"Dr. Lynne August has the ability to take the most complex ideas and turn them into teachable moments. Not only did she work along side this towering genius, Dr. Emanuel Revici, she has also made it her life's work to keep the flame alive for nearly three decades. Dr. August is the heir apparent of the Revici Method."
—Kelley Eidem,
The Doctor Who Cures Cancer:
The Story of Emanuel Revici, M.D.
"Lynne identifies imbalances and deficiencies and then makes accurate and detailed recommendations to improve and restore health, or even intervene before illness occurs. In, the more than, 30 years I've known Lynne she has helped me, members of my family and the countless clients I have referred. She is in a league of her own, always years ahead of the curve when it comes to nutritional health."
—Ben Benjamin PhD, Sports Therapist
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