IC DISCLAIMER: Lynne August holds a doctor of medicine (MD) degree from Washington University.  She retired from the practice of medicine and no longer holds license to practice medicine.  The Inflammation Calculator is strictly information for your evaluation.  The IC does not constitute medical advice, nor does it substitute for proper medical care. You are encouraged to confirm the accuracy of any information here with other sources, including your medical doctors.  Neither Lynne August nor Health Equations are liable for any indirect, consequential, special, exemplary or other damages arising from your use of this educational service. By purchasing the IC you are awknowleding this disclaimer, agreeing to use the IC for your own health evaluation and not as a medical treatment and absolve Lynne August and Health Equations of any legal or medical responsibilities.
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We’re eager to introduce you to our new supplement, Liquid Light.
Product Testimony
I would like to order another 12 bottles of Liquid Light.
I am really excited about this product! I like what my Bioenergetic scans are showing me when patients start on it along with the LyteH+.
- Dr. Michael Sansone
$ 28.00 USD

Liquid Light

The monatomic elements in Liquid Light explain its potency - its ability to boost mental and physical energy; vanish aches and pain in some; increase mental clarity and focus in others; and generally increase immunity, strength, and stamina. 

Read more>>
$ 99.00 USD

Inflammation Calculator

The Inflammation Calculator is an exquisitely sensitive detector of otherwise imperceptible chronic inflammation through basic blood lab panels. Put the power of health in your hands! Purchase includes the blood draw requisition of labs needed for the Inflammation Calculator Report to be completed. These labs must be drawn at a LabCorp facility. We are unable to offer this service outside of the continental US and not in NY or NJ.

$ 32.00 USD


LYTE H+ brings our body a balance of electrolytes, 65 trace minerals, and hydrogen. Every cell is a battery. The charge on the body battery is the sum of charges on trillions of cells. The concentrations and ratios of six electrolytes in LYTE H+ increase the charge on our battery. Hydrogen in Lyte H+ increases the influx of oxygen into cells. This hydrogen also increases the production of ATP. ATP is the high-energy molecule made in cells that supplies and stores our needed energy. LYTE H+ also provides a full complement of trace minerals from ancient sea salt beds.

Click on any of the following product names to learn more.
$ 48.00 USD
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Flame Quell+ is helpful for allergies, colds, headaches, and migraines. Learn more by watching the video Inflammation, The Fires Within, on DrRevici.com.

$ 68.00 USD
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Lipid-bound Sulfur (LbS) can manage the pain, swelling, and stiffness of osteoarthritis. Although known as age-related “wear and tear” arthritis, more accurately, it is a chronic degenerative disease, one of many chronic degenerative diseases. Chronic degenerative diseases are appropriately called “diseases of civilization.” That is, they are the result of modern lifestyles… LbS relieves symptoms and slows the progression of osteoarthritis and chronic degenerative disease.

$ 55.00 USD
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MGS neutralizes inflammatory leukotrienes. Leukotrienes are pathological fatty acids. They cause irreversible damage to tissues. The bivalent negative sulfur in MGS oxidizes and disables leukotrienes. Learn more on MGS by watching Inflammation, The Fires Within, an educational video available to watch on DrRevici.com.

$ 118.00 USD
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Most symptoms, acute or chronic, are caused by inflammation. Sneezing and congestion are signs of inflammation if you have a cold or spring allergy. Swelling, redness and heat are signs of inflammation if you stub your toe. And symptoms associated with any condition that ends in “itis” - arthritis, colitis, bursitis - are caused by inflammation. Inflammation can be the cause of symptoms without obvious signs of inflammation and without an “itis”. Examples include tinnitus (that’s an “itUs”, ringing in the ears), vertigo (you feel like you are spinning or the world around you is spinning), PMS (premenstrual symptoms), itching, palpitations, fever, and even stress.

$ 110.00 USD
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The most common causes of zinc deficiency are decreased absorption, primarily due to compromised gastrointestinal (G.I.) function, and insufficient dietary zinc. G.I. function is compromised by inflammation, Leaky Gut, low stomach acid, low enzymes, and an unhealthy gut microbiome. Other common causes of zinc deficiency include medications (NSAIDs, acid blockers, antibiotics), a diet high in sugar and carbs, high toxin exposure, and stress.

$ 88.00 USD
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The connections between calcium intake, vascular calcifications, and cardiovascular events – thrombosis, strokes, and infractions – are well established. A meta-analysis of 11 randomized controlled studies found a 31% increase in heart attacks, a 20% increase in strokes, and a 9% increase in death from all causes if combined dietary and supplemental calcium intake exceeded 805 mg/day, the average intake of the 12,000 participants analyzed. * ‍ High calcium intake, the combination of dietary and supplemental calcium, bears the risk of calcium deposits in soft tissues, specifically in coronary arteries, in the meta-analysis described above. ‍ The advantage of lipid-bound calcium is that it is taken up by cells where a calcium deficiency is contributing to pathology. It will not accumulate in cells where it is not needed.

$ 64.00 USD
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Flame Quell 8 is anti-inflammatory fatty alcohols. Unlike FQ+, which neutralizes fatty acids in tissues, the much longer carbon chains in FQ8 fatty alcohols work at deeper levels than those in FQ+. They work at the nuclear level, binding to nuclear receptors that regulate gene expression. FQ8 inhibits the expression of various pro-inflammatory genes. It also decreases the expression of genes that synthesize pro-inflammatory fatty acids from carbohydrates. Further, FQ8 increases the expression of genes that burn brown adipose tissue, the type of fat that accumulates in obesity.

$ 68.00 USD
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Although most Americans get the recommended daily allowance (RDA) of selenium, the late Dr. Gerhard Schrauzer, a world-renowned expert and researcher on selenium, said in a 2010 interview: “…for effective cancer risk reduction, selenium supplementation at reasonable levels in adults for example, 100-200 mcg per day, should begin as early as possible and be maintained over the entire lifespan.” One drop of Lipid-bound Selenium provides 210 mcg. Two drops of Lipid-bound Selenium provide 410 mcg. 400 mcg per day is considered the safe upper limit of supplemental selenium.

4 lipid bound mineral by Health Equations
Lipid-bound Minerals... biologically active minerals
Minerals incorporated within fatty acid molecules are ‘lipid-bound’. Lipid-bound minerals are the most effective mineral supplements. They are also the safest.

Lipid-bound minerals are readily absorbed, transported by red blood cells and selectively taken-up by abnormal tissues and cells. Continued >>
$ 75.00 USD

BSF f2k® is used for detoxification, a complete whole-food multi, and protection against radiation.

$ 129.00 USD

BSF® f3k has more red algae than BSF f2k®, and provides additional heart and brain protection. It is particularly potent at the neuro-endocrine junction, the HPA (hypothalamic-pituitary axis), supporting adrenal, thyroid, ovary, and testes hormone balance, as well as balancing neurotransmitters.

$ 72.00 USD

ION* Gut Support is a mineral supplement sourced from 60-million-year-old soil that provides foundational barrier support, naturally balancing the microbiome.

$ 79.00 USD

Phoschol® contains a pharmaceutical-grade phospholipid that restores the integrity of cell membranes, including membranes of mitochondria within cells.

HEq formulas by Celtic Sea Salt
Selina Naturally's Celtic Sea Salt® brand carries a few of Health Equations formulated products.
You may use the links below to connect to Celtic Sea Salt's products and purchase directly through Selina Naturally.
Celtic Sea Salt®
ElectroLyve® Liquid (8 oz)
Bottle of Celtic Sea Salt Electrolyve Liquid 8 oz bottlePurchase Here
Celtic Sea Salt ®
Electrolyte Powder 4.2 oz
4.2 oz container of Celtic Sea Salt Electrolyte PowderPurchase Here
Celtic Sea Salt®
Magnesium Plus 90 caps
A 90 capsule bottle of Celtic Sea Salt Magnesium PlusPurchase Here